Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Doesn't this question just say it all?  Where is the WISDOM we have lost in knowledge?  Just because you know a lot of things it does not make you wise.  Just because you are educated it does not make you wise.  Just because you have lived to the ripe old age of 70 it does not make you wise.

Proverbs8:11 says For skillful and Godly Wisdom is better than rubies or pearls, and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

When we look at the world today there is so much "knowledge" all around us and some of the things are simply to astounding to even put into words.  From the point of creation we have come a long way as far as knowledge goes.

Knowledge however is not Wisdom.  When you get your driver's license you have knowledge about how to drive a car, but Wisdom knows that you don't go racing down the road and challenge everyone you see to see who can drive the fastest?  Wisdom is what you get when you study God's Word and meditate on it.  Wisdom comes from having a very close relationship with your Heavenly Father.  Talking to Him about everything in your life on a daily basis.

Wisdom does not come from books, yes we can obtain knowledge, but it does not teach us to be wise.  Wisdom is only obtained from God. It comes from the inner "man" which is connected to God.  When faced with daily situations Wisdom is the only way that you will be able to deal with a difficulty in your life (don't let your emotions steal your Wisdom), because when you have God's Wisdom you will be able to act in a self-controlled manner no matter what you are facing.

You will be able to make "common sense" decisions based on the Wisdom which has been given to you by the reading of the Word firstly and then from praying or speaking to God and asking Him to guide your steps.

Living by common sense is not difficult; simply do what you would want others to do to you.  Pay your bills on time, communicate properly; mix encouragement with correction so a person's spirit is not broken (this is very important), etc.  We have enough common sense to know what to do to stay out of trouble.

Romans8:6 says Now the mind of the flesh (which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit) is death (death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter).  But the mind of the (Holy) Spirit is life and (soul) peace (both now and forever).

When we ask (pray) for Wisdom we will be able to think (rational), speak (softly, not whispering, but toned) and act (controlled) in Wisdom, because it will be God controlled and not uncontrolled.

Lord help me to do something DYNAMIC for You today!

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