Friday, 28 September 2012


Do you have a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign hanging around your neck?

1John4:8 says He who does not love has not become acquainted with God (does not and never did know Him), for God is love.

Sounds a bit harsh doesn't it, but unfortunately it is very true in the church today.  If churches today are not involved in any kind of missionary work then what are they doing to help others?  We are not there to warm the seats we are there to help others to get people into church not chase them away.  That is why it is called "outreach" and not "in-reach"!  Go out into the world and share the good news.

People will go where they are welcomed and feel welcome.  There is always a need somewhere.  If someone comes to you at church and says I have a problem, help them.  Don't say I will pray for you.  Praying is good, but it does not help that person standing there in front of you and if they are speaking to you maybe that is a sign that God wants YOU yes YOU to help them.  We have to see every opportunity as a blessing from God to sow something.  What you sow, you will reap, remember.  If they have a R50 need and you have R100 in your wallet meet that need, give them R50.  Praying does not take the problem away and God tells us all to help not only some of us.  If you are able to meet that need there and then do it.

You don't have to first go pray about it or wait for a sign.  The sign is standing in front of you.  People will say to you oh I just love you with the love of the Lord.  Well prove it!  So many of us are happy to say that, but we don't want to be disturb with other peoples problems.

Love is God's passion and if you cannot show love then you are simply an empty "vessel".  Colossians3:14 says we need put on love.  You can love on purpose, but remember love always costs you something.  To meet a need that someone else has no matter what it is.

It's amazing how many of us will say YES I want to help, sure I will help, until our number gets called out and then we fall flat, because we have to get out of our comfort zones and actually to something.  Yip God's Word says you must sow to reap and that does not always refer to money, it can be your time, anything that God feels you can do.

Matthew24:12 says And the love of the great body of people (referring to the church) will grow cold, because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity.

We have hardened our hearts toward others, because of the world.  But we need to get back to the basics as it tells us in the Word of God and do, do, do!  Every time you get a God idea somebody is going to tell you, you cannot do it.  Overcome evil with good.  Prove them wrong.

We all have good in us, we just need to go back and find it.

Lord help me to do something DYNAMIC for You today!

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