Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Do you read/believe your horoscope?

Leviticus19:31 says Turn not to those (mediums) who have familiar spirits or to wizards; do not seek them out to be defiled by them.  I am the Lord your God.

So many people, including some who consider themselves Christians, participate in practices that God tells us are vile and evil according to His Word.  We innocently think there is nothing wrong with such things as reading horoscopes and consulting psychics; then we wonder why we do not have peace.

The Bible tells us in the latter days many false prophets will rise up and tell people what their itching ears want to hear.  People will search for one teacher after another who will tell them something pleasing and gratifying.  To suit their own desires, they will turn away from hearing the truth and wander off into listening to myths and man-made fictions.  2 Timothy 4:3,4.

Never before have we seen such an influx of psychics vying (fighting) for a ready ear.  TV programs feature these mediums who claim to be connecting with departed loved ones, but the tragic truth is that psychics such as these are taking advantage of grieving people.

They are really communicating with familiar spirits who tell half-truths about the past and lies about the future.  God's Word tell us very clearly to turn away from mediums and wizards because they will deceive and defile us.

Fortune-telling, psychics, horoscopes, mediums, palm readers, tarot card readers, divination, witchcraft, etc. are all forbidden in God's Word.  We are only to be led and guided by the Holy Spirit.  Why do you need a phony substitute when the real thing is available?

What has always fascinated me about the word horoscope is in fact the spelling.  The first four letters says it all. HORO - horror?

I at a certain stage in my life read the horoscopes from the magazines thinking oh it's harmless, but really it is not.  You open yourself up to these devious spirits and invite satan into your life to make you believe lies from the pit of hell.  The Bible tells us that we will not know the future so why do we think that we will know it in this manner?  These people who "forecast" your future are ordinary people just like we are.

What qualifies one to be a psychic?  This is what the internet says -  Since there isn't an independent regulatory body listing criteria for being a psychic, there aren't any formal qualifications.

In other words we trust ordinary people to thumb suck and tell us what our pretty little ears want to hear.  All of us have either heard of John Edward's show "Crossing Over" or have even watched it.  He has been exposed as being dishonest about his "psychic abilities", however he still manages to fool people.  The reason for this is that we are so fascinated by "what if or maybe".  In reality our sinful nature wants to prove the Word of God to be wrong.  We need to be very careful when it comes to these things.  Don't be fooled satan will lie to you about anything.

God tells us in His Word to guard our hearts and our minds in order for us to not be fooled by these things.

Lord help me to do something DYNAMIC for you today!

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