Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Did you know that temptation started in the garden of Eden?

We all know that the Bible tells us in Genesis of the creation of heaven and earth and man (Adam) and woman (Eve).  It tells how God gave man dominion over the earth and all that is in it.  But when Adam listened to satan instead of God, Adam surrendered to satan the authority to rule the earth that God had originally given to man.

I know that from the word go everyone has always said it was Eve's fault.  But I don't think so, because let's get the facts together.  God made Adam first right?  His instructions were to Adam.  He then made Eve who He said would be a help meet to Adam.  Which means that Adam was the head of this union not Eve.  So the responsibility was ultimately with him, not so?  Unfortunately it is also a fact very much so in today's life that our men like to quote this verse, but they do not want the responsibility.  I am not starting a blame game, we all have a lot to answer for.

We need to understand that temptation started with two people and satan.  And yes God was aware of it.  He allowed it, because He wanted to see if "man" when he had been given everything that was good, could withstand the test.  Think about it now when you have everything in your life that makes you happy (according to you) it is much easier to be tempted by things that could seem "innocent".  We are bombarded with temptations everyday and everyday we need to decide between yes and no, good or evil.

The problem is when life is good it is very easy to forget what God's Word says about right and wrong and we can argue ourselves into yes, but maybe it's not that big a sin.  SIN is SIN!  There is no big sin or small sin.

Let's say for instance I had affair and let's make it not so easy.  I have been married for a good couple of years, I have children, etc.  Things at home are not quite what they should be and my husband and I only talk when we argue.  Then via Facebook, e-mail, Skype, Twitter, BBM, Whatsapp, Mxit, or work, etc. I get to know a "good friend" (male).  We start talking casually and lets say he is divorced and very sympathetic towards poor little old me with my man problems at home.  He becomes a lifeline and is always there when I need to vent or someone who listens to my every word.  My husband on the other hand well he doesn't even listen or care.

So we start this "friendship" and communicate on a daily basis using any of the above methods of communication.  We become real good friends and eventually we become "emotional friends".  I suddenly look at this man differently and wish that my husband was more like him.  One day we are chatting as usual maybe over lunch and affectionately he touches my hand.  Suddenly there are feelings that neither of us felt until there was physical contact.  Now if I was not going through though times (even if there were no though times) I should have said stop it right there and realized that I was playing with some serious fire, because not only would I hurt myself and my husband, but also my children.  Selfish isn't it?  But we don't see it like that, because it's all about me and my feelings, isn't it?

Let's fast forward this a little for instance now and say that I then fell hook line and sinker into this temptation and it now becomes a full blown affair.  In the meantime my husband finds out and yes then follows lots of hurt and pain.  I am the cause of splitting up my whole family and that's the end of that.

Now after my ex-husband leaves, he meets up with someone else who he then starts a relationship with and they then move in together to see if this thing is going to work.  They are now also living in sin.  You see the Bible tells us very clearly that God is for marriage.

Matthew19:5-6 says And said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be united firmly (joined inseparably - meaning that we are to bond and get to know each other once married and not run back to our mommies when there is trouble, but to face it and understand what each individual is bringing into this union) to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder (separate).

He does not bless this kind of sin.  Living together whether you are planning to get married or not is still wrong.  You see the difference between being married and living together is the commitment.  You need to make the commitment before God and man and that is why we get married.  Otherwise we could all just live together and walk out whenever we please.  Being married means that you are then committed to stay and to fight for what is yours.

It so easy these days to get divorced and you don't even need a good reason anymore.  You can even get divorced over the internet.

There are no "friendships" between a man and woman that are married to other partners that will not be tested or tempted.  If you think not then why are so many people getting divorced?  I have heard so many times that it happens in families or between so-called best friends, don't be fooled satan will help you on the path of destruction if you want to go there.  The Bible warns us not to be ignorant, only fools are ignorant.  If you open the door for satan to move in he will comply he does not care who gets hurt.

There are many other forms of temptation, but I chose this one because there are so many people getting divorced these days it almost like, if you haven't been divorced or had an affair there is something wrong with you! 

Lord help me to do something DYNAMIC for You today!


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