Romans12:2 says DO NOT be conformed to this world (this age), (fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs), but be transformed (changed) by the (entire) renewal of your mind (by its new ideals and its new attitude), so that you may prove (for yourselves) what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His sight for you).
When you get born-again your mind is not born-again. Do you see that? That is why we have to everyday renew our minds. DAILY, DAILY, DAILY renewal of your mind.
Romans8:6 says Now the mind of the flesh (which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit) is death (death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter). But the mind of the (Holy) Spirit is life and (soul) peace (both now and forever).
So this in fact means we have two minds - the mind of the flesh and the mind of the Spirit.
Therefore you can choose your own thinking. You can either say yes to sin or NO! What you are thinking now is what you are going to live tomorrow. We have the ability to think like Jesus in every situation. And the way to do that is to slow down. The devil keeps us so busy and on the run that we do not have the time to think. We do not have the time to discern between God's voice and what satan is whispering in our ear.
When it comes to listening to God's voice we have selective hearing. God's Word is all true and sometimes He will take you the not so nice (happy places) in His Word to teach you, but that's when we often turn the page and go to the nice verses those ones we know, because surely that scripture was not meant for me, God? WRONG! When God takes us through the messes in our lives He take us through completely not halfway.
We need to start thinking about what we are thinking about? Are our thoughts pleasing to God? If the answer is no, well then you know what to do. You give the devil the right to mess with your mind.
We can't blame the devil for everything that we do wrong. You have the power through the Word to say no. You have to the power to cast him out of your mind by quoting scripture and believing the Words. But if you do not have the Word in your heart and in your mind that's when satan steps into his playground and PLAYS!
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