James3:8 says But the human tongue can be tamed by no man. It is a restless (undisciplined, irreconcilable) evil, full of deadly poison.
Can you see that even God's Word says our tongue is evil! And if we think about it in our everyday lives how true is that statement?
How do we handle a crisis? Do we rant and rave or do we go to God (if His Word is in your heart you will get instant wisdom as to how to handle the situation) and ask Him for wisdom when we speak to the other party concerned? Think about it! I have learned that if I calm myself and speak in a controlled manner I get more done and the other person is more compliant than if I shout and scream. Mmmmm (Sometimes there are more difficult situations, but God can help you through anything if you let Him. You need only listen to His voice).
How do you handle illness? Do you say oh I am so sick (remember when you say it, it is in your head, when you start thinking on it you give it a place in your mind to start festering and before you now it you are exactly what you said you are, sick)? No rather say I am not sick, speak life not death. Often someone will come to you and say - shame you don't look well. Instead of going to the mirror and seeing if what that person has said over (now they have spoken death) you is true say no I am fine and believe what you say. You will see that unless it is a deadly illness that you need medical attention for, you will feel much better and a little later in your day you won't even remember that conversation.
Another example is a person maybe it's family or a friend who lived a life before that according to us was not acceptable. Suddenly this person gets saved or called on by God. (saved does not mean that you are now instantly good and there will be no more sin. No in reality we all still sin everyday. But the wonderful thing that the Bible tells us is that God's forgives everyday. That does not mean that you can do the same things over and over again and just say I am sorry. Because the Bible also tells us in the New Testament that once you have received wisdom regarding something in your life that is sin you need to distance yourself from it. It means that you will have to conquer things everyday. Some things will be harder than other's, take longer than other's, but by the Grace of God you can do it).
Remember now we have to speak in love. So when someone is now saved or called, do not say things like - oh that is great, but yesterday you did this and that, or I see you doing this and that. God does not come to you and say yes but yesterday you did this and that. No He says that He forgives you when you confess your sins. It is not our job to remind that "new" Christian about their past. It is your job to encourage with Word and love. (And if they make a mistake just like you, forgive). Just like you had a path to walk and are still walking with God, that person has to go through the same process to get to where God wants them. And remember we are never completely where God want's us to be, because then we would not need Him anymore! Think about it!
Now, how do you speak about yourself? Do you say things like I am not good enough? Well God thinks you are! Why else did He die on a cross for you? Have you ever considered how much pain and suffering He went through? There have been a lot of movies made about this, but I think the best illustration was "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson. It is impossible for us to understand why God let His only Son go through so much pain, but is that not the ultimate gift of life? Your life and mine! And yet we disregard it every time we sin! Would you do that for someone? Would you really? Think about it, especially in today's life where it is all about me, myself and I? I think a lot of people when faced with that reality would not be able to do it.
God's Word tells us that we need to love ourselves first before we can love anyone else. Then only can you love other's. Do you hate yourself? God loves you and if you think that His love is not good enough for you or you are not good enough for His love you are so wrong. For things to change in our lives we have to be the change first of all. And that means starting with you and me. Think differently about yourself, speak differently about yourself and you will see the change. Remember only people that have lived "something/anything" are the people who can minister to other's about it. If you have never been without food, you cannot minister to someone who has no food. But ministry is not the only thing we must do, we must help. And that does not mean saying to that person I will pray for you. Will you really? As soon as that person turns their back you have already forgotten to pray. No get up and do! Sow into that person's life so that they can see what God's love and Kingdom is all about! Giving, not receiving! Imagine having nothing "bad" to talk about!
I encourage you to ask God to help you control your tongue. Learn to speak blessing, not cursing. Watch the joy that comes to your life as a result!
Lord help me to do something DYNAMIC for you today!
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