Friday, 7 September 2012

Would negative thoughts please leave the building...

I would like to go back to Romans12:2 DO NOT be conformed to this world. (Please refer to your Bible)
And what I said is that we (as Christians) need to renew our thinking on a daily basis.  Why?  Well, because of the fact that we are under daily attack from satan.  Remember satan does not care what you do or how you do it as long it does not gratify God or His Kingdom.  If we do not start our day with God's Word and prayer we are going to fall flat on our faces.

Before you even get out of bed in the morning you need to communicate with God and ask Him to guard your heart and your mind.  So many of us wake up in the morning and start our day with kinds all of "rubbish" in our minds.  By the time your feet hits the floor you are already mad at six different people.  Come on think about it, we all fall into that trap at some point in our lives.

The next picture on the left is actually what I really want to draw your attention to.  If we as Christians understand the verse in Romans12:2 correctly we should not take part in these kinds of worldly issues.  God tells us clearly in His Word the battle is His not our's.

Our minds should be on Higher things, Kingdom things.  Yes we all have issues at some or other time in our lives, but we serve the God of all that is righteous and He will do what needs to be done.  I have never seen or heard the Bible referring to any circumstance where we should boycott and toi toi.  Ask yourself the question?  What would Jesus want me to do?  Things are not in our hands to control.

Woolworths is not concerned with Christians!  Heck they probably don't even have more than a handful of Christians working for them or maybe even NONE!  Let's think about it now, has any petition you have signed or forwarded to your email friends ever made a difference to a situation which you had no control over?

Prayer is the only way to go and remember that if you believe your Bible (every Word that is written there) then you should know that God instructs us to pray over everything!  He is the changer of the situation or the person not you.  Yes you are an instrument used by God to help or change, but the change is not effected by you!  We should in fact pray more for our government.  Yip I know we all have something to say regarding our government, but WHAT WOULD JESUS DO OR EVEN SAY TO YOU REGARDING THIS?  Do we speak or act in love when it comes to our government?  1 Kor13 tells us very clearly what love is and yes I think we all fail dismally.  Love is patient, love is kind one is no good without the other, but they are  held together by love.

Is it really so important for us to be wasting our time with these worldly things instead of doing what God has instructed us to do in His Word?  To go out into the World and share His Good News with everyone.  How about looking past Woolworths at the little child at the street corner (in front of Woolworths), begging?  Is he /she not more important?  Are we not instructed to help (take care of) the widow's, orphans and the poor?  This is God's heart, not Woolworths that are not employing whites.

"Lord help me to do something dynamic for you today"!

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